2010-10-29 10:49:17 +0900
従来のSmall Business向けから、よりエンタープライズ寄りにターゲットをシフトしていくということではないかという見方がされていて、DHHのコメントも載っている。
"We're experimenting with our plan mix at the moment," Hansson told us. "We have not made any final decisions about what the mix will be."
Hansson stressed that 37signals hasn't changed the focus of Basecamp away from small businesses, who have always made up a large majority of the product's customer base.
この記事のポイントは、Updateとして掲載されているJason Friedのコメント部分だけど、
"While we used to have four plans on the sign up chart, today we only have three," said Fried. "Same prices as before, just fewer plans displayed. A while back we used to have six plans to choose from, but we found that was ultimately confusing customers. So we went to five. Then we went to four. Now we're experimenting with three."
Fried echoed Hansson's earlier statement that the changes are purely experimental and that they may continue to alter the plans listed on their sign-up page, depending on their findings.