2015-02-03 20:11:35 +0900
Product Design
- Designing Twitter Video — PaulStamatiou.com
- "I began to sketch as many different directions as I could, pick the best ones and then test them out in a prototype."
- Twitter Videoのデザイナーによるイテレーション毎の学び
- User Experience for Product Designers — Medium
- "The UX process will vary slightly for a new product but the same basic principles exist."
- Talking User Onboarding With Samuel Hulick - Inside Intercom
- "You take over a product tomorrow. Let’s say the product has 100,000 active users. You’ve got 2,000 users signing up every day, but less than 40% of those users are returning after their first session. Where do you start?"
- Lessons learned from scaling a product team - Inside Intercom
- 製品開発チームをスケールさせるために心がけたこと
- Strategies for getting feedback (and not hating it) by Jonas Downey of Basecamp
- 新機能を実装して社内からフィードバックを貰いやすくするために心がけること
- process-book
- "この文書は*nix系のシステムにおけるプロセスやシグナルなどについて説明することを目的に書かれました。「プロセスとかよくわかってないからちゃんと知りたいな」みたいなひとたちが想定読者です"
- Using oauth for a simple command line script to access Google's data
- diasks2/pragmatic_segmenter
- Pragmatic Segmenter is a rule-based sentence boundary detection gem that works out-of-the-box across many languages.