2015-02-17 17:29:53 +0900
- Ruby DSL Handbook - the ebook about creating Ruby code that speaks your language while avoiding metaprogramming hell. Written by Jim Gay
- 「Clean Ruby」のJim Gay氏によるDSLのeBook
- GetStream Blog — 5 reasons to use Cassandra for building your newsfeed
- ニュースフィードのバックエンドにRedisとCassandraのどちらを選定するか
- The Awesome PostgreSQL 9.4 / SQL:2003 FILTER Clause for Aggregate Functions | Java, SQL and jOOQ.
- PostgreSQL 9.4のFILTER句が便利
- DataLake
- Data Lake is a term that's appeared in this decade to describe an important component of the data analytics pipeline in the world of Big Data.
- Music Recognition: The Shazam Algorithm | Toptal
- Shazamのアルゴリズム解説
- Non-blocking UI's with interface previews
- Writing Effective Problem Statements
- 課題・問題についてProblem Statementsを書いてチームで共有していく手法
- longnguyen11288/pgopher
- PostgreSQLのコマンドを実行するgolang製のツール。1つのバイナリファイルで完結
- Mage: The Magical Time Series Backend Behind Parse.ly Analytics by Parse.ly
2015-02-13 15:39:38 +0900
2015-02-10 19:26:13 +0900
Product Design
- Why the hell not? by Jason Fried of Basecamp
- "Sometimes it’s just worth saying why the hell not and going for it."
- How Working With No Managers Creates A New Ecosystem
- "In a forest, there is no master tree that plans and dictates change when rain fails to fall or when the spring comes early. The whole ecosystem reacts creatively, in the moment."